Learn different styles of puppetry! Create paper puppets, simple marionettes, masks, and more. In this class, we will invent, design, build, and bring to life puppet characters from our imaginations. We will use paper, cardboard, yarn, string, and paint to build tabletop puppets as well as toy theaters and stages for our characters to come to life.
Risa Lenore Anderson Dye (she/ her/ hers) is known for her creative energy in teaching and her engaging puppet shows. For years, Risa has been dancing, acting, clowning, and creating costumes, drawings, stories, sculptures, and puppets. She currently puts most of her creative energy into creating original artistically ambitious puppet shows with her puppet theater company, Possibly Puppets. She was recently awarded a Jim Henson Foundation grant for her work that will premiere at KALA in November! Risa holds a BA in anthropology from Beloit College and studied at Jacques LeCoq’s Laboratory of Movement Studies in Paris, France. Since 2013, Risa has been sharing her energetic classes and colorful interactive puppet shows with museums, libraries, and schools throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.