Kala Art Institute’s mission is to help artists sustain their creative work over time through its Artist-in-Residence and Fellowship Programs, and to engage the community through exhibitions, public programs, and education.
Our MissionMission


Founded in 1974 by Archana Horsting and Yuzo Nakano as an international workshop rooted in the local community and forum for ideas, Kala Art Institute provides exceptional facilities to professional artists working in and across all forms of printmaking, digital media, film, video, and sound, book arts, photography, and performance.
Our HistoryStaff

Dedicated Kala staff members work in the areas of program development, exhibition management, fund development, studio maintenance, technology, education, community engagement, and art sales.
Teaching Artists (Youth Arts)

Kala’s Teaching Artists lead visual art classes for adults, youth, and families onsite at Kala and throughout the East Bay. We work with educators to develop curricula and programming that both challenges students and participants and captivates non-standard learners.
Learn MoreBoard of Directors and Advisory Council

The Kala Board of Directors meets on monthly basis. A number of the Board members are active arts professionals, local business leaders, and have strong ties to the art community.
Board of DirectorsFunders

Kala gratefully acknowledges support from the following foundations, agencies and corporations…
Learn MorePress

All Your Favorite Arts Organizations Are Turning 50 This Year | KQED, Arts & Culture | January 26, 2024 | Sarah Hotchkiss
Archana Horsting: 50 Years | Square Cylinder | June 13, 2023 | Mark Van Proyen
Hot off the press: New printmaking festival debuts in West Berkeley this weekend | Berkeleyside | April 14, 2023 |
See MoreJob / Internship Opportunities at Kala