Teen Studio Art Program (6-12th)

Join Kala’s Teen Studio art program for skill-based art-making, hands-on projects, and activities during the academic school year. Whether students are learning a new art practice or developing their technical and conceptual skills, they explore a variety of visual art media, experiment with techniques and materials, and dive deep into the creative process. Instructors engage with students with heart and intention to create a space for creativity, inquiry, self-expression, reflection, and collaboration. From drawing the figure to painting the landscape to printmaking and digital arts, students are introduced to diverse art-making practices, ideas, and local and contemporary artists of various intersections of identities, experiences, and backgrounds. Our young artists can explore a range of issues and themes relevant to their lives and communities. Designed for young artists in Grades 6-12. Classes take place throughout the week, including Saturdays. Classes range between 2-6 sessions, and 1-3 hrs each session.


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No Classes: April 1-5, 2024