← Fellowship Alumni

Tyler Starr

Combining research, direct observation and poetic associations, Tyler Starr visualizes political and social conundrums. Using digital and traditional printmaking methods, he created a series of mixed-media works on paper during his residency at Kala. Tyler is interested in the ways printed information maps human endeavors. This new series is a survey of human efforts to create transcendent structures including the architecture of Christiania, UFO schematics, sinking naval vessels and liturgical vessels.

Starr’s mixed-media works on paper combine direct observation, poetic associations and elements of yellow journalism to visualize social and spiritual conundrums in such forms as prophetic motorcades from declassified FBI documents and imposing geographical sites associated with tragedies. The works are made through a combination of drawing, collage, and stencils with an interest in the ways printed information has been used from its very beginnings to map human endeavors. His work has been exhibited internationally at Yale University’s Haas Arts Library, New Museum for Contemporary Art (New York), Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Liège (Belgium) and Museum of Contemporary Art (Japan).
