The Lightbird Project

The Lightbird Project employs sunlight and optical mirror reflections that fly during the day with the arc of the sun, then shift after sunset to video projections with a second set of light patterns for a nighttime migration.  The Lightbirds is a call to action for protecting seabird habitats and the impact of warming oceans on birds. This series began to bring recognition to half a million Common Murres, diving sea birds that died when their food source disappeared with a warming current along the Northwest Pacific Coast.

The current mission is to grow the migration of Lightbirds to interior and exterior public and private spaces. This goal requires raising funds for engineering the technically formed mirror optics in acrylic and mirrored stainless and for their mounting systems for wall or pole mounting for architectural scale installations. These formed mirrors will reflect flocks of Lightbirds with 20’ – 60’ wing spans that fly with the sun on building walls reminding viewers to look up and remember our blue planet and its steady orbit around the sun

Please use the donate button below to make your tax-deductible contribution to this project or contact; Therese Lahaie, at